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My life with startups

As far as I can remember, I always wanted to be an entrepreneur. At an early age, I experienced the hardship a family faces when the bread winner loses his job. This formed my core motivation of creating work opportunities for people - a guiding principle which has stayed as my North Star. I've experienced some success and strongly believe that "something great is around the corner". Well, is it? I hope so.

Startups: Clients

The Testament

The Testament was a platform which allowed companies to hire managed workforces on an ad-hoc basis across India.


We worked towards reinventing the future of Manpower Outsourcing with our underlying mission of creating work opportunities for people across the globe.

Under my leadership, the company did a business of over a Million Dollars, while also employing over 1500 people across 300 cities of the nation. We invested heavily in multiple path breaking technologies (which didn't work). As a consequence, the company had to scale down and now works on select high value consulting projects.



Cread was a social network focused on helping artists create and monetise their work online.

The platform developed a community of over five thousand writers and graphic artists across India. We worked on "creator economy" before it was a thing, but unfortunately had to shut down due to dearth of capital.


SpotHealth was a health focused platform started with the mission of "making healthy living a mass movement".


The platform allowed people to bond with health aficionados through "Sports Dates" and active communities, order innovative healthy food, and consult the best doctors, nutritionists, therapists on call/video.

Our app and community did really well for a while, but was ultimately brought down by Covid.


Seneca was a distraction free smartphone project.


It began as a concept note posted online, which soon snowballed into a viral movement of magnanimous proportions. The 'Open Pitch for Seneca', which was the foundational document behind the project got over $200,000 in Angel commitments, 1000+ customers and thus INR 1.5 Crores in preorders, and over 15 Million impressions online.

Despite creating an MVP with a legendary technologist, and getting an LOI from one of the leading education companies of the country, we couldn't raise the $5 Million we set out to raise in time. This led me to move on from the project and start building Virtual Voter.

Virtual VOTER

Virtual Voter is a social network focused on polls.


Why polls? Because with people's attention spans falling, insights better come quick. And we realised that the quickest way to get an insight on something is through tapping on a poll.

After proving to be even more accurate than the biggest official exit polls during Indian General Elections of 2024, Virtual Voter is soon launching in US.

On Virtual Voter. You get to know what people really think. Before anyone. And without gatekeepers of any kind.

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